New artwork for sale! - "Franks Cow - Mountain Valley Farms" -

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Thank you Pam! I’m a Scottish political cartoonist + activist. Hi to new followers feel free to share my cartoons. Scotland sent Trump packing when he wanted to stop our off shore wind farms because they ruined his golf course views 😁

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WE DID IT! Thank you everyone! Morningdew Farms is Funded! Now let's hit those stretch goals!

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If you played the Morningdew Farms demo game and didn't like something in it, here is your chance to tell the devs to fix it:

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Since it's one of the creator's birthday, could you help us get Mornindew Farms to goal? Pretty please?

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カウアイ島には野生のニワトリが素敵な生活をしている🐔90年代にハリケーン が養鶏場を吹き飛ばしニワトリが島中にちらばったそうw

There are so many chickens on Kauai 🐥Hurricane Iniki blew away chickens farms & chickens were sprinkled across the island 🌴 they have a wonderful life now

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town council to petition College of Arms for a transfer of the originally held by the local borough council.
More at:

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Future farms, illustrated by Paul Alexander.

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Making this into a pin :)

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Check out Morningdew Farms: A Gay Farming Game! Play the demo here:

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has adopted an updated emblazonment of the island's
More at:

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day 4!! I realise the prompt "bird farmer" probs meant someone who farms birds and not an ACTUAL bird farmer, but I liked this idea 😂 they're trading foraged mushrooms for fresh strawberries! Snacks for the journey ahead 🍓🐸🍓

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IDK i was in the ‘farmcore’ yah looking for nice pictures to put on my aeshhetic blog and all of a sudden i see someone say “we should call it gardencorr bc farms are a colonial industry” and i mentally blacked out like

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Structures that you'll be building a bunch of, such as Farms, might have multiple variations.

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Era of the Princes was a period in history 18th-19th c. when the country was divided. The noble’s dynasties were vying to claim the title King of Kings. The Era began with the murder King Iyoas (pic) by poisoning.

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A new dragon for April! A Drupesaurus, known as the fruit dragon. They're docile creatures with a love of sharing known for their delicious fruit which change in flavor based on their moods. This makes them popular creatures in farms and kitchens! 🍏

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