day 4: KENNYYYYY (my favorite!!!)
i don't draw him as often as i did back then AAAAA should really get back to doing so. he's definitely my comfort character to draw

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Stream is over! Thanks to everyone who came out!! 💖 Here's the fruits of the labor


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Olvide poner por aqui el k2week y bueno creo que los ire subiendo en estos dias
day 1: Festival

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Decidi entrar na brincadeira tambem, e a primeira pessoa que veio na minha cabecinha foi o Kenny, então é isso.

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oH No tHey kiLLed kEni! yOu basTarDs!!

i dunno guess im a sp account now lmao (not really but im considering)

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the world was so cleansed that even I returned to SAI. and at all to do the shadows one color sucks. don't repeat my mistakes

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