where is the curly haired nea/allen go ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )

117 190

Nea as Howl! :*:・(*´ω`pq゛

64 139

My faves. Hate that nea and rhys faces got cut off lol. Wanted to include Schierke from berserk but couldnt.

0 2

『Nea or Allen ?』

5 16

Nea is the protective bro

80 143

it's allen and nea yup

42 74

nea doodles
such procrastinator

66 125

*dramatic wind ensues*
Psst its past!allen and nea psst

68 118

Asdyスタンプ工房に新しくShim.nea( )が加わりました!

3 6

NEA Awards $27.7 Million in Arts Funding https://t.co/B7Bxq8ALFF

0 0