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2. 子ども向け絵本

Pudgy Penguins Children's Bookは、あなたのペンギンに命を吹き込みます。



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🔷 10 億ドルの IP の構築

Pudgy Penguinsのアートは親しみやすく、大衆にアピールする可能性があります。



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I may come across as looking non threatening but I have a few Icy tricks up my sleeves!

Plus I'm the Empress of Penguins so I have an army!

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. 『空を飛ぶペンギン』
(Penguins flying in the sky)

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Pudgy Penguin sold for 3.04 ETH ($3,944.89)

Previously sold for 3.00 ETH ($3,900.51)
Floor Price: 3.049


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Penguins galore! :> 🐧

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Oooh! Here's Micole! I'd like her to go as one of my favorite villains... Dr. Blowhole from the Penguins of Madagascar!

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I love my new pengu I decided not to sell him until he can go well above 100 $ETH. As for my old pengu I decided not to sell this dude until floor is well above 30 $ETH 🤝

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SO excited for this book! Never drawn so many bewildered penguins in my life…and loving it! ❤️

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In the middle of this crazy mint I just found these really dope penguins from airdropped to my wallet🐧I love the art from this project!Really funny and original👏🔥👀

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Official NFT rankings of all time 📃

1) Pudgy Penguins
2) SappySeals
3) Lilverse ✅
4) goblintownwtf
5) Milady
998) Moonbirds
999) Azuki
1000) Mekaverse

Sorry BAYC, but you aren't even top 1,000 on my list.

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NFT projects that survived the bear market:

Mekaverse ❌
0N1 Force ❌
goblintown ✅
PudgyPenguins ✅
Doodles ❌
Lilverse ✅
SappySeals ✅

Only the strongest will survive

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Pudgy Penguin sold for 2.77 ETH ($3,651.48)

Previously sold for 0.01 ETH ($14.51)
Floor Price: 2.8


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Pudgy Penguin sold for 4.50 WETH ($5,938.15)

Previously sold for 4.00 ETH ($5,278.36)
Floor Price: 2.8


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Tem and Matt being best buddies and Lewis holding a penguin plushie (penguins are his favourite animals btw)

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Party Penguins was def up there but I love their art so much these are my grails

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