Sakit tapak kaki bila menapak? Rase mcm dihiris sembilu? 😂

Pernah dengar plantar fascitis? 👣

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Pumpkin Ale, 1771, meets ! Pic: Vietz, Icones plantarum (1804) h/t :

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Femina Plantarum🌵
Un viaje introspectivo en las ilustraciones de

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Good simple stretches for patients with plantar fasciitis in BMJ today: image from BMJ

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"Plantarum historia succulentarum" contains by Redouté, the "Raphael of Flowers"

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Hedgehog, Historia Plantarum, Lombardy ca. 1395-1400 (Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, Ms. 459, fol. 97r)

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A.P. de Candolle (born 1778) wrote the text for "Plantarum historia succulentarum"

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R2 por mucho que quieran suplantarte por otro más chulo siempre serás nuestro droide preferido!!!

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Bones & ligaments of the dorsal (left) and plantar (right) surfaces of the foot. Nicolas Henri Jacob, 1831.

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