Sketches for “Project SOTA”, a Pokémon passion comic project. An opposite AU where characters are different from their original counterpart. In this universe, “Aura Guardians” are referred to as “Aura Devils”, and are perceived as demonic beings.

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Sota Kemuri “Miasma”, find parts of his story in my Instagram posts!

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Duel Tournament - Sota Fujimori (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5)

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今更で未だにだけど、Sota FujimoriのLook To The Skyリミ復活してほしい。

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These 3 hanyo grls...all have the same mom. Kagome😱remember it’s just a theory don’t bite my head off. Ok, I say this because I’m seeing things AKA potential of storyline. 1 of 2 of Sess’. daughters went through the well and lives in the modern kagome/sota did/does.

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21.Tehran Taboo (2017,Ali Soozandeh)🇦🇹

Ens desmunta que sota la capa del sistema de poder de Tehran hi ha tones d'hipocresia. Un món fet a mida dels qui fan les lleis, amb una violenta opressió a la dona, la llibertat artística, sexual, etc. Tècnicament imita a la rotoscòpia.

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Wow, almost forgot 🎂 Happy Birthday Samuel MORSE! 🎂

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大阪のグループ「Freak's'」のミニアルバム「THE FREAK'S'HOW」にキャレックが2曲ビート提供してます!


We are…(prod. by CARREC)MV公開

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🔥New on 4/24🔥
Can I Taste You? -This Young Buff Wants Me- (2) LAST CHAPTER🎉
by Taguche

After all the encounters with Sota, Asahina decides to try his luck at finding a new girlfriend. However...

Link to Manga:

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"Un confinats amb els llibres que corren per casa, sota una teulada de paper fràgil però tapa dura. Pàgines i temps rellegits. I les flors absents, les collirem quan sortim, que els camps n’estaran més plens que mai."

Gràcies per aquesta il·lustració, !

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🔥New on 4/10🔥
Can I Taste You? -This Young Buff Wants Me- (1)
by Taguche

Asahina and Sota end up drowning their sorrows in alcohol as they get dumped by the same girl. Then, before they know it, they're at a hotel...

Link to Manga:

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sotaさん の線画塗らせて頂きました!!!めちゃ塗りやすいし楽しいしですぐ塗り終わってしまった!!ありがとうございました~!!!

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Love 2 Shuffle / BEMANI Sound Team ''Sota F.'' feat. Starbitz

いやった!!!!‹‹\(´ω` )/››‹‹\(  ´)/››‹‹\( ´ω`)/››‹‹\(´ω` )/››‹‹\(  ´)/››‹‹\( ´ω`)/››・:*+.(( °ω° ))/.:+

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Early birthday gift for Mazjojo-senpie
Of course, its the best character in Full Service, Sota-kun

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Mari Chordà, pintora, poeta i activista feminista. En la segona meitat dels anys 60, i sota l'estètica Pop, va ser de les primeres artistes en expressar visualment la sexualitat femenina i l’experiència de la maternitat.

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わぁいバフコ sotaバフコ大好き

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