Sorry shogun. I chose my waifu... she drives like the Dukes, shoots like annie Oakley, fights like erza scarlet, and have the looks that speak for themself.

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For my followers who have Yuuki as their waifu.

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Felt like being thematically spooky for a sticker design and drew everyone's favourite deck waifu.

I was so excited to build PK Fire and include her now that she's available at 3!

...and then I saw the preorder price for Torn Scales...OMEGA SIGH

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Thank you for doing this! hello im Roaring Designer, I love drawing anime style, different techniques my favorite character is Taiga Aisaka, its my waifu. I also draw ink drawings, this is my card! 🔥❌ The last drawing is about Tejina 🌠

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Para los que estén interesados en la nueva imagen de perfil.
Lo hice ayer, cuando estaba enfurecido.

Creo que haré un dibujo a diario con mi estado de animo.

Por cierto, me quedaré con la Waifu.

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More cringy spooky monsters. Push a like if you are a unitologist and this is your waifu.

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Getting closer to the end of the Key To Starry Sky arc, and I’m looking forward to Cobra finding out that his pet snake has transformed into a waifu.

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Salamander waifu.

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That’s fine choice. Here my other Waifu.

Nurse Miku Nakano

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I make some nice jumps, thinking how cool I will look retelling this story to the ork waifu.

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Lads I'm Not Stanning This Particular Waifu.....Trust Me 😏😏 Anyway Good Night You Fools 😴😴

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Llevo tiempo queriendo terminar este dibujito y por fin lo hice, tenía que dibujar a la beba piciosa de porque es la waifu. u;v;u💖💖💖💖

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Someday I will talk to him over discord because I want him to turn in his 800 Paragraph long college thesis on why Rei from Evangelion is worst girl and I want him to be passionate about his choice of waifu.

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Fan art Sketch de Tod de Animaniacs en su version waifu.

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Day 19 - Yuuga.

Also known as best waifu. xD

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Bandai Namco:
Soul Calibur > Tekken
There, I said it. I have loved SC for years and, despite my hatred for SCV (which could be a thread on it's own) I always will. My pick for Namco has to be Sophitia Alexandra. Nightmare is cool and all but screw that I want my waifu.

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Just learned about WaifuLabs and today, and it's freaking crazy. The algorithm and AI that the system runs on gives you tons of options when it comes to making a good Waifu. While there's the occasional bug/error, it's pretty dang consistent.

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Xiangling - Genshin Impact

Game about waifus, ara ara, camera angles and a lot of rerolls to get your waifu.

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In my obsolete machine condition and with little database of Waifu.. Mai Shiranui was the best option at the moment 💀

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