It's I hope everyone out there will take the time to appreciate even the tiniest bugs on this planet

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We're celebrating by taking a closer look at James Fotheringhame's watercolour titled Magpie (1994)

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They say it's so that's about us too, not just those big monsters you know.

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To all the hypocrite "Meat-eating-pet-lovers" who pet one animal and eat the other - lets respect all animals on

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關懷動物,從身邊的毛孩子、浪浪開始做起 <3

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10월 4일은 세계 동물의 날🐾
사랑과 관심을 가득 전해줄 야생동물 시리즈!
World Animal Day! October 4th

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Happy animals day, be extra kind to your pets and love them to the moon and back! <3 Mr. Scruffles is awesome!

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This little piggy went to the skate park.

(#pig 25/100)

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