These two are from @/janome_mikan3 maker on picrew,I will draw them once I'm done with ftfeb2019 event /0\)

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This is Angelo Mosso's sphygmomanometer, an early device for measuring blood pressure. The patient inserted their fingers into the tubes (marked 'E') which were filled with water - both diastolic and systolic pressures (and a pulse wave) were recorded on the black cylinder.

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At Gaetano Meo’s Grave - an immigrant buried in his chosen land, such a tortured land since his appearance as an artists model! ht

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Illustration of Megurine Luka and Gumi by Asanome.

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Illustration of Megurine Luka and Gumi by Asanome.

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La família Mutermilch va estiuejar a la Bretanya francesa de 1905 a 1912: Concarneau, Audierne, Douarnenez i Pont-Aven. Muter va fer coneixences amb els pintors de l’anomenada Escola de Pont-Aven. Alhora, la llum i els paisatges bretons l’acabaran captivant i inspirant

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2018/10/21(日)秋葉原AMASTAGE 19:00〜
HONDALADY(アルバム「136」再現セット)/ファミリーコンティニュー/Satoshi Honjo/Yanomedia

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CV: Hirakawa Daisuke

(those pants and that voice lsfklashff)

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Barça 2011. Hem perdut molt en 7 anys, i avui exposo molta part de lo perdut, perque si s'anomema Xavi segur que jugava molt bé a futbol:

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🌸7월 19일 발매 신작 뉴루비 안내🌸

Owal 작가님의 <아워 하우스 러브 트러블>,
Jyanome 작가님의 <너무나 어른스러운 마이 러버>,
Rico Fukiyama 작가님의 <외로운 늑대!>

이번 신간도 잘 부탁드립니다~!!
점심 식사 맛있게 하세요☺️💕

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sokrates became my 'irrationally attached to' character in c/w and i still love to think of integrity as a gnarly spinal implant (plus all the nonsense futuristic space nanometal that lives beneath the skin)

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Personalised 'moniOJOtes' cartoon commission 🌉👶👦🥁 Ink and digital color. December 2017 ©Soniaka's Art

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Otanome Alive
Huks upload lagi, mau sekalian upload rece tadi taunya ga kesave---

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