finally finished my printemps print for fanime!! hopefully i'll have a bibi & lily white print too.../sweats

159 144

working on fire emblem merch! i don't think i'll have the playing cards done in time for fanime but mb AX..

0 12

Coming soon! New stuffs being readied for Fanime (May 26-30th, San Jose CA).DR location and details to be announced.

54 174

8 cm fef keychainssss ill have at fanime/ax/otakon this summer!! the azura ones r doublesided

244 375

Double sided Touken Ranbu Charms coming to Fanime Artist Alley :)

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Help I've fallen into sword sword boy hell. Making charms for

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behold, the print sample that got me into Fanime.

6 33

Sketches of cosplayers and friends from Fanime 2015

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Three more hours and we are gone from the US circuit. See us in 1509 before 3!! At Fanime Exhibit hall 2.

35 123

I'm going to San Jose on June 3 right after fanime wow yeah woo nice

0 1

FanimeCon 2015 is upon us.
I'll be sitting at 804 at Artist Alley. Come by and say hi (and buy something)!

6 5

I'M GONNA BE AT FANIME AA THIS WEEKEND!! i will be chillin at table w/ & come say HI!!!

2 32

Fanime Artist Alley See you there (´ω`✿)

18 50

Old school meets Mega Evolutions. Will be selling this at !!!

108 294

I will have this Touken Ranbu print at Fanime! book antho orders this piece is part of will also be announced soon~

16 46

See you at Fanime! I'll be in the Artist Alley at table 623 :D More info here

59 182

just finished a print for fanime!! ORE NO MONOGATARI!!!!!

74 248

fanime 배너용으로 급하게 그린 아쳐린 헉헉

285 489

i made fanime tokuten ww

28 54