Mondays. Cruel and unusual punishment.

195 492

Hey Wiggy! It’s raining but that’s not going to stop us from going for a walk is it?

0 7

I read a ThunderClash/Rodimus fanfic by accident, then i read more TunderClash/Rodimus on purpose, now i ship them.

5 18

나츠메카즈키 선생님의 대인기작 <I HATE>의 증쇄가 결정되었습니다🙌
초회한정으로 컬러페이지에 나츠메카즈키 선생님의 싸인이 있었는데요!
증쇄판부터는 띠지와 저자선생님의 싸인이 없사오니 구매에 참조 부탁드립니다~😀

9 14

Hatsune Miku (Saihate ver.) commission for Anon, thank you so much!

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is one of the best books I've read this year.

5 19

I wat pizza with a fork and knife...

0 2

From when I first started digital drawing to present day.

0 1

that they gamble with everyone's life.
TPB v1 In stores September 20.
V2 September 27.

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