Hope everyone's gonna have a nice Christmas Eve, and even for those who don't celebrate : stay fresh and Happy Holidays to y'all! ☃️❄🌲

As for me.. IKARUGAAAAhGJsjafsatfaFFw
*DIES* 😍😍😳❤💕💗💘❤😱😵

77 244

The day of my demise has come agai-- *DIES* 😍😍😍😍😳😳😳🤤🤤❤💗❣💝💕💘❣💗❤😵😱

52 190

is here!
Been playing lots of FGO lately, so here's my top 3 Fate waifus! 😍

And she ain't a servant but of course IKARUGA BABY COMES FIRST!!!swkkdslabsfajef~😍😍😍😳😳❤💝💖💟💘💓😵 *dies*

38 139

I uuh.. Legit have no words.. She's just always been the one.. And she'll just always be the one. Forever.
I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! 😤😤😭😭😍😍😍😳😳🤤❤💘💓💕💖💝❣💗💟❤💘❣💗❤💘😱😱😵😵
*death becomes me*

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Part 2
You'll be able to fight as a exorcist again, for sure
Because you're the "prodigy" Ikaruga Shimon, who defied the Island's conventional knowledge numerous times, right?

*For my, this is the best moment shimayu

8 21

It's with, once again, my top 4 senrans. They're already in the Xmas mood! ⛄

45 133

Happy 20th Anniversary my dear Dreamcast!
Thank you for Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Soul Calibur, Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, Phantasy Star Online, Rez, Grandia II, Virtua Tennis, Seaman, Ikaruga, RE Code Veronica, and all the others. I will always love you :D

11 60

I tried to draw Ikaruga and Katsuragi again.

5 17

"12 Pixel Art Shmup Ships" by
>Radiant Silvergun

564 1458

It's guys..
My heart... My soul.. Mebjagwjagw~😍😍😳🤤💗❣💖💘❤😱😵 *ded*

19 78

*dies* 😍😳🤤❤❣💘💕💟😱😵


And I protecc!! ❤💕💖❣💘💓💟❤

38 139

Dis new ❤Ikaruga❤ card is KSBkwLgakL~ 😍😍😳🤤❤💘💓💖💕💝❣💗💞❣💕💘❤😱😵... 💀

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