i wasn't totally happy with my last Square art so WE WILL BUILD IT ONCE AGAIN--

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Some JSB fanart that I also posted to the Steam artwork hub :D

6 26

some coloured doodles featuring one sad cube mother, our plucky square protag and A Shape With Dreadful Depth Perception

4 18

I still can’t get over this part of the game!
I love “Close to me” so much!

[ https://t.co/qv0ieZBW1g ]

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ボスくんいつでもどっちの姿になれたらいいのになって妄想。両目のボスくんとの平和絵も描きたいと願う今日この頃…(´∀`) あとパーティモードの王冠めちゃくちゃ可愛くてもだえてた!

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"It's been a while since Treeangle restored the world, Cube and Square are having conversation"


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