When doing my world building i use the term "elfine" to refer to people who aren't half-elf exactly, but have elf ancestry. you can generally tell from the larger eyes/irises, shape of the nose, or long ears. In one of the cultures, only really the nobles have those features

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Shojo+ : la nouvelle collection de pour rendre au genre ses lettres de noblesse | https://t.co/mmza1L00KB

5 22

💃 🕺 with my the story of the whole gang came to steal all the noblesse men and women at the party and these two were distracting, while the gang were working 😎

1 9

Ah si, el famoso nyan-nyan de las familias nobles medievales, contexto histórico realista y coso.
Esta rama de los Greyrat tiene un fetiche clarísimo por las mujeres bestia y pechugonas. Grishlaine seguro pasó la entrevista antes de siquiera desenvainar la espada.

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💙 Él comparaba el alma de ella
Con el tejido de un fino y exquisito encaje,
Bordado con manos soñadoras
Con sonrisas de esperanza
Salpicadas de ternura,
Donde se engarzan los sentimientos más nobles.
Ingrid R.


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7 21

I’ve missed a 820 years of Valentines with you, my dearest master.🍫🥃🌃

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After four hours I am DONE
Look at my new babey Daphne!
She's a commoner that likes to crash nobles' parties for free food and cute women uwu
This is when her (later) gf meets her at one of these parties
(Her gf, Juniper; is a noble btw)

3 10

Boccaccio watching Fortune turn her wheel

BL Harley 621; Giovanni Boccaccio, Du Cas des Nobles Hommes et Femmes ( De casibus virorum et feminarum illustrium) translated by Laurent de Premierfait; France; 3rd quarter of the 15th century; f.217r

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朝のお支度 マスターバージョン

7 23

I finished watching noblesse, and was everything I wanted 💖 I’ll start the webcomic later c:
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