Same voice actor... Same... voice... actor... Ray and Tamaki... 😱Someone give Sujin Kang a medal...

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shit i dont watch a lot of the animes 👀💦 so im just gonna use my wife ™ Aqua (KH), and be hella basic with Haruhi (OHSHC) and Ryuko (Kill la kill).

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When I was 14 I would buy the OHSHC episodes on iTunes and I've hated myself ever since

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Watched some older animes recently and woop tho she's still such a cutie//

27 66

On my DA had won! Who would have thought? Which pair will win next?

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I apparently have a thing for gingers in anime/anime-esque shows

3 14

i watched OHSHC again bc i'm trash and i'm doing my best to distract myself from the Real World

2 24

Tbh I'm waaaayyyy more gay than this

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Brothers lost at birth

Tamaki (ohshc)
Edgar (Earl and fairy)

13 42

FMA Brotherhood, OHSHC y Zankyou no Terror. Tendría que poner muchos más, pero en fin, sólo puedo poner tres.

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Despite the height difference and energy levels, these two are practically the same people

4 2

Ok last one FOR SURE!
Brotherly Love,Who shows it better? Me?Idk,i'd pick n

1 1

Because of nostalgia reasons, have some fanart I did years ago. OHSHC

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