Day 4-bug type <3

My hand hurts xD draw... Since 7 in the morning finish 2 drawings and paint another, uff i kill myself I think until tomorrow I will do nothing

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Poketober - Day 4 - Koffing

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{Inktober/Poketober Day 4}
“Favorite Psychic Type Pokemon”
- Espurr

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I'm gonna post today's entries separately since they're two different pieces again! Day 3: Turn a scary pokemon cute! (Shiinotic)

Look y'all, I just really don't like his vibe

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day 3 - thorton + jiangshi
i'd like to come back and slap some colors on this <:)

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For day 3 I had Honchkrow, so I hope you enjoy my mafia boss lady.

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Second drawing, I'm doing the prompts out of order because I'm a minor force of chaos that just does what it feels like. Favorite 2nd Gen/Johto pokemon is Celebi! And a new halloween plush of Celebi came out for Halloween so I had to draw it 💖🎃💖

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Poketober day 3, A pokemon I find underrated: Maractus!

Do note, Maractus was shockingly up there in "popular pokemon". So I have hopes for my cactus child to finally get the love she deserves in the future.

(Honorable mentions: Marshadow and Hitmontop)

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Since Im not doing traditional for Inktober so I make digital artwork instead .__.

Poketober 01 and 02 :D Mei and Lisa

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{Inktober/Poketober Day 3}
“Favorite Fire Type Pokemon”
- Arcanine

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Day 2! "Make a Cute Pokemon Scary" (Wooloo) + "Starter" (Oshawott)

I played a bit with color this time around! there are also some honorable mentions for pokemon I considered turning spooky in the replies!

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It's Poketober this year... 1- Pachirisu.

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