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@rosellacottage @ourrosedale @northyorkmoors Yep, 'Rosedale Summer' painting. Heather and sheep. @ourrosedale @northyorkmoors @rosellacottage #SpiritofYorkshire #LivingNorthLIVE
Il rimpianto è il vano pascolo di uno spirito disoccupato. Bisogna sopratutto evitare il rimpianto occupando sempre lo spirito con nuove sensazioni e con nuove immaginazioni
@emanuelaneri14 @ghegola
@FrankCapitone @DemoFranca
Cheers to the Presidents who embodied virtue, honor and were not afraid to do the hard work of defending liberty. #PresidentsDay2018 #SpiritOfHardWork
🍓#TwittoDi #CatLovers
Che misteriosa ricetta
conoscono i gatti
per saper dosare
in modo così perfetto
dolcezza e crudeltà,
timidezza e aggressività,
docilità e spirito selvaggio? Mary Emilson✒
@fragolinarossa8 ❤🍓👠
Introducing the fearsome Delta Giratina (Steel/Dark) and the curiously colorful Delta Spiritomb (Fairy/Normal). My most recent two commissions made for @SylerUchiha !
Ma quale pacifismo! Smontiamo la fake news e chiediamoci perché a Como nessuno ha reagito! #skinheads #spiritof69
"No contaban con mi astucia"
#ChapulínColorado #Chespirito #RobertoGomezBolaños #México #ilustracion #vectorart #wacom #2017
Surprise the comics fan in your life with personalized FIGHT CLUB from @chuckpalahniuk! #spiritofgiving #comicdefender https://t.co/tjsLh9tSbL https://t.co/F5yhfazOtY https://t.co/iTDpyHkeaY
Looking for a gift for the sci-fi comics fan in your life? Try DESCENDER, personalized by @JeffLemire @duss005! #spiritofgiving #comicdefender https://t.co/kgT4qiqfVq
Get in the #spiritofgiving with personalized comics! BKV, @jenniholm @cliffchiang @JeffLemire@duss005 & more for the comics fan in your life! https://t.co/0LitY8KDjI
Apollo had to get his chords of steel from somewhere :') #aceattorney #spiritofjustice #jovejustice #dhurkesahdmadhi
Hi twitter! Its been a while since I shared anything so have a spiritomb drawing!
A spiritomb made of 400 dead doggos that were murdered by other doggos for having different beliefs
They just wanted to support giratina
サークル「Spiritoso」は、コミックマーケット92で「金曜日 東地区 "F" 14a」に配置されました!コミケWebカタログにてスペース配置場所公開中です! https://t.co/Ox5V5yV7Fu #C92WebCatalog