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[ 新年LIVE予定 ]

❄︎ 2月6日 (月)@渋谷eggman
❄︎ 12日 (日)@浜松ESQUERITA68
❄︎19日(日)@ AcousticCafeおとなり
❄︎ 20日(月)@吉祥寺Planet K

❄︎ 3月5日(日)@下北沢3会場

5 5

new Avatars in the latest
Some of these didn't make the cut
Guess what?

8 31

has a kissy kissy Turtle now
To kiss things of course

2 10

Zen & Yoosung 10 years older
Cuz they're too young (or i'm too old?)
please don't kill me /hides

7 17