Genial e imponente Ultron perdido

3 15

ULTRON! Character sketch choice of the winner of my NYCC2015 SketchRetweetContest, .

23 81

Another from Avengers: Age of Ultron. This one is an interior study for Stark Tower.

2 7

Want some rare 'Avengers​: Age of Ultron' artwork? Enter this contest!

201 576

RT and follow & for a chance to win 2 ultra rare Tyler Stout posters!

556 184

Avengers: Age Of Ultron Fan poster by

3 11

L'apparition (furtive) du robot de « Laputa » dans le film « Avengers 2 - l’ère d’Ultron » (si, si !).

36 16

What Ultron tore asunder will never be truly healed.

621 1242

he A.I.M agents were my favorite in "Age of Ultron vs Marvel Zombies", i had them just hang out in the sanctuary

0 1

<!> My APs of Avengers: Age of Ultron are up tomorrow— visit at 2pm central time. Thx! </!>

13 17

Enhanced or human, nothing’s more important than family.

632 1579