This isn’t really but no new Shiro content today. 😔😭 It’s only been one issue, but I miss my short-tempered king. 🔥🤎

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X-Men 8 was an absolute Wolver-feast.

I'm happy she's eating, but I also hope she's drinking plenty of water!

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How neatly can Scott apologise?

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🚨COVER EASTER EGG🚨X Deaths of Wolverine cover had a special Easter egg! Swipe to see the reference!

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and a couple new mutants made appearances in this week’s spider-bot comic! :)

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There was so much to love from New Mutants 24 but the highlight for me was FINALLY acknowledging Illyana is suffering from PTSD. Many writers, including Claremont, have written Illyana as struggling with evil instead of she's suffering from PTSD. Thank you Vita!

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Maybe I should do some new art for my wlw ships 🤔 The last time I did was before Elle was introduced. Now that she and Xi’an are happily together, I’d rather ship Dani x Rahne, Xi’an x Elle, Illyana x Kate, and perhaps Rachel x Betsy.

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?? What happened to Galura’s skin

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God she's so beautiful 😳#XSpoilers

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This is the coolest way I've ever seen Sunspot's powers visualized, props to and 🔥

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Secret x men? Don't u mean the sambeto book?

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on this gay asf rock……

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No but seeing Cosmar and Cerebella...i'm so happy

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I want to thank Vita for keep giving me these Rahne and Dani moments. They are soulmates and they'll always be together 😭

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First image is the face I make when I see art like the second image by

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moisturized. immaculate mustache. pinky out. it is HIS moment

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Apocalypse ALWAYS knew the power that Ric would grow into!

That’s why he named him his heir! ✊🏾

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