Past works I still like. I don't have many drawings from 2012 and before, I think I lost all the files.... Also my first manga page back in 2015??!! (it's only a part though).

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2 13

The Man with the Steel Cane <1/3>

This comic is a fan fiction based on LOL Universe short stories.
Therefore, there may be differences between official images and settings.

101 595

xP to much Bokuroo sry~ and the others are nsfw I own from him >3>

2 8

what's up guys! ☺️ how is your quarantine? >3>
(also forgive me my mistakes if there's any, english is not my native language👉👈)

25 121

my very old oc, Wing Lan bcus why not? He is one of my cutie boy

0 2


omg I kinda feel guilty now how dirty these look >3>


72 311

Been wanting to draw something spicy with Bren for a bit >3>'''

1 1


1 61

Coco bonnie ♥️ =(:3>

0 2

BIG Zinogre Kill
First concept I've done of him before that one paw worship picture last year 8D
Finally got around to coloring. =3=
Lots of hard work.
Can you spot a smol raptor on him? >3>

12 52

Here’s a pic of Kamen Rider W!! I messed up the belt lmao. It was all off of memory >3>

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Drew a little self indulgent pic of Bean, David, Ghostface, and Ace. >3>

6 13

Whaaaaat? That looks like chocolate to you? >3>

0 7

<독고3>오픈 기념 SNS 공유 이벤트!

모든 일에 의욕을 잃은 태진.
상윤의 제안으로 결국 주먹의 세계에 몸을 담게 된다.
태진은 그 세계에 적응해나가면서 점차 나락으로 떨어짐을 느끼게 되는데...

오래 기다린 독고3 이제 시작합니다!

RT 및 팔로우
총 5분에게 1만원권을 드립니다!

239 37

Lookit this cocky SOB taking a pic with his girlfriend, and two boyfriends... He's saving it for later >3>

You can see the full wip sketch on patreon >wo

2 10

her clothes legit reducing

3 10