There are a lot of things going on in here, but Abra bathing Bulbasaur makes me smile. Bulbasaur looks so happy.

239 998

Versión normalita y nude, pss porque sí aaaa

Quizá abra comis con este estilo, es algo minimalista pero creo yo se ve bien ._.XD

1 3

Comisión que termine hoy por la mañana! (que casi olvido subir GG)
Espero sea de su agrado ~~
Puede que a futuro abra mas slots de este tipo✨

5 10

Chicos abra un sorteo 📱
De un dibujo mio ✍
Se termina en una semanna
El 24 de Mayo📅 wuapos
-Dar 🔃,❤ y seguirme👥
Solo abra 2 ganadores🌟
Suerte chic 🍀
El dibujo es echo en Androind 7u7

29 40

Estamos a pocos dias de recorrer un nuevo camino con los chicos de HyperBeard, y estoy realmente emocionada...ansiosa...... y me fasinaria poder ser parte de su equipo ...rodeada de gente maravillosa y con un talento excepcional, sin mencionar que abra Gatitos por todos lados!!😽

0 3

[Letter for Minhyuk on fancafe]
👤: Which pokemon that you like best?
🐶: Abra, Gengar, Lickitung

184 364

I had a blast getting inspiration for the Abra line from the Gold sprites so I decided to do it again but with the Silver sprites! Get ready for some green boys.

6 60

Thanks again guys! and and Abra (stream sketches)

3 7

"Don't worry, fren. I will protecc."
Some more old art.

0 3

Nenes, hoy no abra strum porque tengo que hacer unas cosillas [x_x]
Los veo el sábado

0 2

Retypes of the Abra line. Basically, remember when people in the 90s were saying Kadabra’s design had satanic symbolism? I basically took that and amplified it. Also it has knives instead of spoons

0 1

20 Sep 1763, Filipina revolutionary anti-colonial leader Gabriela Silang was executed by Spanish authorities. The previous week, she attempted to besieged Vigan, but she was forced back to Abra, where she was later captured. She & her troops were hanged in Vigan's central Plaza.

46 158

Drawing 1: It's Cronus' Sister, her Lab name is Ex-2 but her name given by Cronus is Dabra

Drawing 2: Its just and evil majin named is Abra inspired by 's Majin and a drawing of Majin Buu absorbed Goku Black

4 19

Due to having a stellar Special Attack, a Speed stat of 19 and coverage moves that put a lot of pressure on would-be checks Abra is thought to be too overbearing in Little Cup and so it is being suspect tested!

More details:

Art by

9 54

Angela here just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year and abra kadabra keep smiling ! ✨

1 4

A sequence of myself turning into a horny little Abra, based on a true story!

9 24

Grass type buneary, Abra/Popplio/Vulpix, and a water type Girafarig.

0 2

El día que se abra la caja que contiene las emociones controladas,
el mundo temblará.

39 126

Did you know I can't find any variants online? Guess it's time to change that.

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