Because relevant. Chirp chirp, mother-eff-ers.

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Progress. Detail for a piece for the San Francisco 49ers.

1 2

So this is the new version of the Niner Miner for 2014, let me know what you think!!

24 36

Good 2014. A to all you new and old followers, retweeters, favoriteers & ers. Thanks! :)

4 7

Candlestick conmemorative with "The Catch" farewell stick

19 24

Niner Miner of the day sunday divisional matchup round 2

17 13

time to get to know your chorus-ers! this is ; photo/ film sharp shooter. future bake-off grand master.

1 2

of the week! TNF trophy head niners back on track

19 21

Can't wait to hear on sunday night keeps it! is gone! Touchdown 49ers!

9 11

[FANART] BananaMilk-ers (re: Banana Milk Lovers)

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