Успела всё-таки дорисовать кэтбоя Му Цина и догбоя Фэн Синя💜

21 142

~ Day 7: Free day! 👠⚔️
~ Modern AU in which fengqing are secret agents and are working undercover at a fancy gala. ~

Do not repost.

121 402

AU where both of them has one sided love toward each other. FX(→→❤︎)(❤︎←←)MQ
FX: I bet he doesn't see me as love interest😒
MQ: I guess I not attractive for him…😢

72 282

before his official design came out, id color his hair with pink highlights

20 73

WOO another one done, I swear I will catch up! :D This one was Cuddled up, combining a little of Married Couple vibes. They can never agree on a sleeping temp!

43 213

day 5:
candlelight's confessions - shivering while undressing 🏹⚔️

...i got carried away with the prompt absjsjsjs take my shame ;;

38 157

[ TGCF / Mu Qing ]

white haired catboy mu qing in a skirt?? yes please!!!

68 236

~ Day 4: Don't look at me like that. 🙄💅🏻
~ Modern AU in which model Mu Qing hires a new hair stylist who's way too smiley for his liking. ~

Do not repost.

47 199

day 4:
can you talk a little less (can we kiss a little more)


106 405

and xe said, "i'm gonna sketch something quick for fengqing week," like a clown

Day 2: Nestled in a Warm Embrace

162 477

Day 1: Make a wish!

Yo that was fast proud of myself

It's technically my first time drawing Feng Xin and Mu Qing so i have no idea what to do with them, lemme see how i'll handle 'em till day seven TOT

35 142

DAY 1!
New year - First day of the year ✨

Ну что же, неделя (даже две подряд) фэнцинов пошла в бой!
Сначала думала изобразить что-то наподобие китайского нового года, но в итоге взяла кое что проще и просто сделала modern au🤔😅👌✌️

28 150

Day 1: Make a Wish

FX: Do you ... have any wishes?
MQ: Yes .... stop being so stupid
FX: How i love you?

135 394

Now everybody is winning.
Points for both and for polishing the floors.
battle tally (day 2): 🏹 2 - 🗡 1

42 144

Day 1: New Year
'all the fireworks in the world couldn't describe the emotions you stir into my heart'

26 128