KPC/KP:水萌 弦(窓。さん)
PC/PL:Nobel von Eisfeld(つばき)


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I want world domination or a Nobel prize!
Here is the pre-sale link: 🚀🚨😱

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Los suecos han dejado una vez más en la estacada del Nobel a Harumi Murakami. Tenemos el consuelo de que su último y fascinante libro -lo es de relatos- acaba de ser publicado por . La traducción de Juan Francisco González Sánchez raya en la excelencia.

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reports "Nobel Peace Prize winner Dmitri Muratov outside the building of Novaya Gazeta on the 10th anniversary of the murder of Anna Chief Editor of

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Abdulrazak Gurnah, Chronicler of Migrant Experience, Wins 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature

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El Premio de 2021 le fue concedido al (#Tanzania 1948).

🏅La academia sueca destacó "su conmovedora descripción de los efectos del colonialismo en

▫️Es de diez
▫️ Vive en Reino Unido.

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Abdulrazak Gurnah, Premio Nobel de Literatura 2021.

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Looking forward to learning more about
Tanzanian novelist who just won the in literature for his "uncompromising and compassionate" portrayals of the effects of colonialism.

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Scientists Behind 'Ingenious' Molecule Building Tool Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry

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David MacMillan (à droite) est-il au courant qu'il vient de recevoir le de Chimie ? En tout cas, il n'a pas répondu à son portable et l'Institut Karolinska lui a laissé un message... 😅

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"I always like to go to the extremes. Can we do things that were just impossible before?"

- 2021 chemistry laureate Benjamin List talks about his future research at this morning's press conference.

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dalam Kimia pada tahun 2021 diberikan kepada Benjamin List dan David W C MacMillan atas sumbangannya "membangunkan pemangkinan organik tak simetri"

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El Premio Nobel 2021 explicado en 3 puntos 🥇
Hoy: Física 🌡️🌎🌪️

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Visit PDB-101 to explore connections between Nobel Prizes and 50 years of open access to the PDB archive

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Hoje conhecemos os laureados do Prêmio Nobel de Física de 2021, ano que celebra o centenário da premiação de Einstein!

Einstein recebeu o Nobel de Física de 1921 por contribuir para a compreensão da natureza da luz na abordagem do efeito fotoelétrico!

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“It’s clear that for the future generation, we have to act now in a very fast way.”

- 2021 physics laureate Giorgio Parisi speaks about the current climate situation at this morning's press conference.

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Complimenti a che ha ottenuto la metà del per la per la "scoperta dell'interazione tra disordine e fluttuazioni nei sistemi fisici dalla scala atomica a quella planetaria"

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Scientists Studied Spicy Chili Peppers and Cool Menthol for Their Nobel Prize–Winning Research on Heat and Touch

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