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Todo dia uma curiosidade sobre games

2 - Por causa da limitação de espaço dos cartuchos do SNES, muitos lançamentos de jogos nos EUA vinham com textos alterados em relação ao japonês (onde cada caractere representa uma palavra). Um exemplo é Street Fighter 2 e sua tradução épica

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Source: Franky
The Adventures of Dr. Franken (SNES) by MotiveTime

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Source: Gildias
Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (SNES) by Nihon Falcom and Advance Communication

14 50

My cousin used to have an NES at his crib a lot of bangers included this one i have an snes but i heard the catridge of super star its really expensive. https://t.co/JuMatcIiSi

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Krigma, Obligma, and Ickisigma

Source: Krumm, Oblina, and Ickis
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (SNES) by Realtime Associates

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Source: Zool
Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension (SNES) by Gremlin Graphics

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Sigme Peligma

Source: Wilme Pelin (Final and Beta versions)
The 7th Saga (SNES) by Produce!

6 41

goemon 4 is SO GOOD its already becoming my favorite out of the snes games....the sprite art is so beautiful....
also sasuke is cute
thanks for joining!!! looking forward to playing more!!!

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Pete that means a lot thanks buddy. 👍

In that case here's another one I did just for you! 🖍️

Hope it brings a smile!😊

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Siggy the Evil Reploid

Source: Tommy the Evil Doll
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES) by LucasArts

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Retro Gaming Memory! ❤

Title: Super Street Fighter II
Publisher: Capcom
Version: SNES/Super Famicom
Year: 1994

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Meet SNES Chan. I will be using her in my comic made for fun 'CONSOLE WARS'. Thank you Nintendo for creating awesome consoles. Still have my Super Nintendo.

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Breath of Fire II (SFC/SNES)

Box art comparison


What a stark difference lol

5 29

TRANSBOT TUESDAY: DR. MARIO This week he's heading back to 1990 to help Mario destroy viruses. An excellent puzzle game for the Game Boy this also came to the NES with an enhanced remake also later coming to the SNES

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ActRaiser 2 map sections! Published by Enix in 1993 for the SNES. Slight departure from the sim elements of the first game. AR 2 is one of the most visually stunning 16 bit games out there.

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Source: James Pond
James Pond 3: Operation Starfish (SNES) by Vectordean and Millennium Interactive

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