Technoblade 🗡️🐷
We can beat this together !

Also thank You so much Dream for donate $21 K to cancer research ! You're a real man !
Love ya <3

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Get well soon techno

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A proper, not rushed, post.

I know for a fact he’s gonna beat cancer like a champ

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I had made this a day befor all of the things that's been happening but I do want to say technoblade never dies

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technos gonna beat cancer into the ground and soon it’ll just be another line in his list of conquests 😤

it’s a difficult road to recovery but the man has never ending grit and determination and we’ll be supporting him every step of the way

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Techno, I give you the best of wishes for you to recover soon, you're an incredible person and we love you.
cancer's got nothing on you king!!! 🐷

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I watched Technoblade's latest vid and just had to get this done as soon as possible as I wanna support him. Please get well soon Mr. Blade with your battle against cancer! WE WIN THESE!!

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Wishing a quick recovery. He’s such a good person, and his watching his content has honestly made my life so much better <3

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Everything is gonna be alright, we belive in you, Technoblade

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