Ok, Frodo’s the first of my non-w101 posts 💙 I got into LoTR a year ago and it’s since then been my second favorite thing behind wizzy! Still like this portrait I did of my fave lil hobbit

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Good morning! I'm ShipCat. I'm often referred to as the Frodo Baggins of the group. When my owner isn't watching, I steal their oversized sweaters and use them for litter paper. I'm not sorry. We're so fur-tunate to have found each other!  

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a memorial portrait of Frodo the cat!

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フロド・バギンズ(Frodo Baggins, 第三紀2968年9月22日 - )は、J・R・R・トールキンの中つ国を舞台とした小説『指輪物語』の登場人物。賢く慈悲に満ち溢れたホビットで、その情け深さこそが物語最大のテーマの一つ


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Sam and Frodo, kicking off the fourth Goblin/Uruk-Hai race war of the week

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“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” - that quote has always stuck ❤️✨

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For some reason I've spent my whole morning getting emotional about LotR again. Long story short, Frodo is quite possibly one of the formative favorite protag archetypes (initially unthreatening, HIGHLY corruptible) that led to Lou

So, this

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a non canon yaoi pairing, SanctusxFrodo

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I hope you feel better!
Liam and frodo aren’t mine but they’re my sisters!

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Sam it's okay. Frodo will pick you up. (no but really don't beat yourself up 👍)

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Looks like Frodo’s been soaking up the sun... 😊 He wanted me to show u this.

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Makes one think of Galadriel and Frodo, doesn't it?

("The Mirror of Galadriel" by Alan Lee)

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honorary mentions bc i can't keep it to THREE characters: ted mosby from how i met your mother (i know it's bold, controversial, and a self-roast but it's true lol), frodo baggins, miguel from road to el dorado, and hermione granger :3

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kkkkk eu odeio minha vida ao inves de fazer minhas responsabilidades eu vou desenhar O FRODO, DO NADA KMKK me mata ae.
mas ok.

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Oh God... Don't tempt me, Frodo! I wanna overfeed these boys so bad... T^T

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