AH— I just realized it’s today sooo

HBD to pretty boy Langa
LOL (・∀・)

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Happy birthday to my favorite Canadian skateboarder 🎉🎊🎈#langahasegawa

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happy b-day langa !! <3

♥️ + 🔁 = 💘💗

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This is how you pocky game in Canada. And a new way to enjoy poutine.
(Please don't judge me idk how this came into my mind)
Anyway, Happy Birthday Langa !! ❤️

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~Uwww fanartlarr mükemmel

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Happy sk8turday!

(I didn’t come up with this word, saw it on my TL and liked it)

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is another level of CUTE. He’s just 🥺💙🙏

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