Tbh, I never drawn a $200 piece or a commission overall, but at least it's better than tracing somebody's art

0 4

shit dude this is an actual tag now? Okay one more. These as commissions wouldn't even reach $200

3 28

i will never charge $200 for my art since i have trouble even charging $20 but

2 9

I charge my commissions under 40 dollars while Butch Hartman would draw the 4th one for 200 dollars. This is such a hilarious hashtag.

0 5

I don't even need to say it, I don't even charge that much

24 346

My commissions are relatively cheap (lineart is one dollar, flat coloring is five, etc). So if you commissioned me for 200 dollars worth of flat colored artwork, you could get around 40 pieces of work from me.

0 5

I mean shit dawg with 200 bucks I could either give you an entire reference sheet of ur character, OR u could get like a shit ton of icons, headshots, or full bodies from me! :0

1 4

*coughs up a lung in "my $15 - $50/$100 art is better than Bitch's $200 commissions"*

1 5

It sucks that Butch Hartman continues to be a blemish on the art and animation community when Danny Phantom was such a big part of my childhood but holy shit for 200 you could have a bunch of these fine babes over.....this traced fuckery

179 1154

even if i don't do commisions rn and litteraly used to sell super cheap i know my art is worth more than this

2 3

imagine tracing for your commissions... stop being terrible butch and pay kuro

2 2

these are collectively worth less than $100 lol

1 7

yet another opportunity to show off my art babes! I charge like $50 maximum so uh hmu 😳😳😳

0 4

I wish I got commissions so I could post them with this tag 🤣 But I have some of my illustrations!

0 1

i haven’t really had a $200 commission before but if you want character designs or a painting then i’m your girl!

73 410

I don’t even charge half of what he does!
The blinding/clashing bg, the size of that signature tho! *chef kiss* that’s what you’re really paying for!

2 12

i wouldnt charge 200 for my shit i did this for free

2 9

i dont even have commission prices i am HERE TO PLUGGG

20 77