Quickly playing catch up, phew! Here's ...having a bit of Gwen-feels over here.

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After a long evening all my new greeting cards are on the website. Phew! http://t.co/BkkWfXPfrx

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Hand-in out the way (phew!). This is my character from a picture book project that I’ve just handed in for assessment

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Gibraltar to Brick Lane, phew! Paintings ready to be exhibited as from Wed. Make my trek worth it go check them outx

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Phew! That's the most important part to get right in a "Grimshaw - the moon!

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Ive stopped drawing all I eat on a daily basis Phew! I still draw what I have if I go out to eat -this time on the menu

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First 8.5 hour workday. Phew! Still, this is a pretty nice result to show for it

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