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Dibujos sobre el terabajo que algo tienen que ver con la mentada Reforma Laboral.

De los últimos tiempos en

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«Mi pobre Amlito»: El pequeño AMLO cree que se ha quedado solo, porque la Oposición Moralmente Derrotada no quiere votar su Reforma Eléctrica. Además, es constantemente acechado por dos ladrones muy torpes que quieren tumbarlo a punta de tuitazos.

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A y a , la Suprema Corte les dio un jalón de orejas por marrulleros y antidemocráticos.
El INE actual es caro y ya tomó partido.
Defendamos la democracia. Reformemos al INE.

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"That day, which you fear as being your last, is the birthday of eternity."

(Dies iste, quem tamquam extremum reformidas, aeterni natalis est)

- Seneca, Moral Letters, 102

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Redid these, Reformed Spamton and Jevil as well as their scars.

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Chaos, created from within the twisted soul of one self, to represent the chronic lack of one's humanity and everything that composes it, laying in a vast dark ocean of emotions and feelings now obscured... ever trying to reform to it's original state in unfulfilling attempts.

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My bf wanted me to draw one of his partner's sonas as a reformed changling

Just en excuse for me to draw a neon horse

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Had a dream I cosplayed this one of the idol boys and had to preform in a group show, ghjghjg I don't even go here

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Ta-Da!! I Finished a drawing I did for I hope you like it I gave your country girl a new outfit something she wears to preform on stage. Hope you like it.

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La reforma de la es insuficiente y sigue atentando contra la
Es necesario que

28 41

A semi redesign of a character! Stryga Nox! A Vampire Bat Faunus, who can drain others auras. This is her reformed look, as before she would switch between being unable to control her semblance and being very sickly and weak. Enjoy!

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lots of ahzyris art from when i played him in hp2xp! my sweet orc wizard/warlock, reformed cultist who had 10+ levels sucked away for betraying his cult and god. oops.

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workin on a little project that ya'll see more of next month <3
here's something cute to tease ya~
also there might be something on the Patreon soon, reformating it so it's just mainly for the gurls~ as {LOTS OF PROJECT THINGS}, its gonna be fun!

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Advent no17 is the history of the Christmas tree

Germany is credited with starting the Xmas tree tradition in the C16th when Christians brought decorated trees into their homes. It is believed that Martin Luther, the C16th Protestant reformer added lighted candles to a tree.

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Como dice Esteban Hernández, la derecha suele negar a las clases subalternas cualquier mejora material, anclada en sus ideas de austeridad y 'reformas', pero a cambio les concede un sentido de pertenencia que, añadimos, no da de comer ni garantiza llevar una vida digna.

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"Good morning everyone. I have reformed once more, and am prepared to deliver free hugs to anyone in need to make sure that your day is as lovely as possible!"

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And another of The Magnus Archives avatar oc, a tightrope preformed for a well known circus and the resident avatar of The Stranger, Annabella Rostova, or is Rostova even her real last name?

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From a combination of his and Eric's interests he was reformed as a small green dragon, and nicknamed Penn from a book Eric was reading :D Theres A LOT more info and things I've left out because it's the plot for an entire series lol
Here's Eric btw, old art tho XD

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this rly is how it be, honestly most singers go feral compared to the mates who just 👀 (or also drummers)

i was reminded of this when i went through some behemoth live preformances where nergal just

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