Actually very appropriately named Macross 7: Trash manga was published in Germany, where I live, even though only Robotech anime was licensed

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The Saga Lynn Minmei by Pocket Chocolate (口袋巧克力)

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Join us now for 3 hours of Anime Music on Twitch / Rejoignez-nous maintenant pour 3 heures de musiques d'animes sur Twitch :

and more !

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Cyclone Run now shipping from Strange Machine Games!


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Cyclone Run now shipping from Strange Machine Games!


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Saw a list of "the 10 coolest transforming robots not from the transformers" today that had ZERO Veritechs from Robotech. They should be ashamed of themselves. I mean, Jetfire was cool as shit and he was basically just a repainted Veritech. FOR SHAME!

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