Doodled this up real quick. I feel it's a pretty apt summurisation of the situation.

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I felt this Martin Luther King's quote was very apt for my painting. Never give in to persecution.

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and in case you missed Miguel Guerra's stunningly apt depiction within the article by

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pic from phone painting acrylic on stretched canvas wish had space to paint with oils but my 1 room apt is my studio

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Eric Edwards has $10Million worth of in Brooklyn apt & is raising $ to open museum

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Very apt. The Thinker. It's raw and powerful. We're with you Kenya. Thanks

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its windy in london- this new image seems apt from Lizzie Walkley

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My Photo of the Day: A mighty oak on a mountain top by an old apt. of mine. Effects done in Picasa.

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My latest animation is very apt for me right now as I begin the dreaded tax return...

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. painting in the bellini lounge. It seemed apt

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Must be the November chill making me use drop snow flurries, seems apt for and though.

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Fire rainbows, a rare phenomenon 📷 by pilot off from Mum apt

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Today's So many squirrels foraging at the moment it seemed apt. Not red ones though around here

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Brutal toon on teachers union strike. Apt, as local/state/nat'l union blame chaos on the school district.

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最大40人同士のリアルタイム対戦!神縛のレインオブドラゴン 5BL4APT

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Almost burst into flames with the heat, so here's this weeks rather apt charcoal sketch. 😜🔥

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ギルドナンバーワンを目指せ!神縛のレインオブドラゴン 5BL4APT

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僕らと一緒に神の領域へ!? 神縛のレインオブドラゴン 5BL4APT

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Me, 1973, Honolulu. Smiling becuz I haven't yet learned about the cockroach problem in our apt. on Amana Street.

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