Videodrome movie poster by Laurent Melki -- Pic found on Arts Backstage:

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Chad and Shirley 😖
Chad's only getting more time to be with Lily, not to get fired. 🐸🧝‍♀️

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Susie 👚
The mind behind the girls' dresses. She takes her time making them, but some people say she's ahead of her time. 🤔

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Chad and Lily 🥰😊
Because Chad is in love with the makeup artist, there are many improvisations so he can have more time with Lily. 🐸👻
Also, need to say, it's a secret for everyone in the cabaret.

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William Stout homage to Norman Rockwell -- Pic found on Arts Backstage:

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War Talk by Joseph Henry Sharp -- Pic found on Arts Backstage:

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Nellie and Chad 🦈🐸
Besides her temper towards Chad's proposal - she sees improvisations a key for chaos, Nellie neither want to make the place a disaster, nor the acts.

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Movie poster by Bob Peak, for Something Wicked This Way Comes -- Pic found on Arts Backstage:

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