i love this outfit so much

ancient belted robe, tiny shades, bandage, recycled boots, basket pack,
and a custom hat design to match the robes

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Woop, I wanted more long haired Hades, so I drew one. ( Lore olympus is a by , go read it!)

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It's time to post! And it's just art with RyoRai~
And I know that I forgot some shades, but I'm very lazy...

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While I love purple, especially modern Gengar's usual shades, I have to admit that I feel like the point of the design is kinda lost when you make it so light. I mean it's supposed to be a shadow, and originally it was just that, a dark shadowy figure with purple highlights.

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I LOOOVE playing Hades, it's such a good game
but with everything good comes something bad and I can't get this creeping thought out of my head .__.

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Cool guy wears shades, cuz hes cool 😎

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Carman wanted Jongho Hades, I give her Jongho Hades :> https://t.co/ehq74TAMRC

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hello! I do digital art and video game related posts- tho im new to posting on here so these are just wips for now v__v
(in order, crypto from apex.legends, cerberus from hades, shen from league.of.legends, oc from bloodborne!)

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So we had little slash and older slash, so why not teenage slash? XD. So here's slash before his incident, without the scar or robotic arms, he has a different outfit and he doesn't wear gloves and yes he wears shades, he's a 90's kid what you expect? XD. Hope y'all enjoy^^

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Artwork of Hades, from ‘Kid Icarus Uprising’ on the Nintendo 3DS. https://t.co/O2RkxR3Rtm

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El 1 de Febrero se celebra el cumpleaños de Raimi De Gusano, Espectro al servicio de Hades, Rey del Inframundo.

Vídeo del proceso: https://t.co/GB3Ke0mO7m

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Is that Blastoise wearing Kamina shades, you ask? Yes, yes it is

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A lot of coloring is also color choice, making sure you pick colors that have similar shades, working with colors that would be complimentary and what not, again experiment and mess with what you think looks good m8, then get critique and rinse repeat.

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Un 27 de Enero, nació Myu de Papillon, Espectro al servicio de Hades, Rey del Inframundo.

Vídeo del proceso: https://t.co/UyhdN3n1Lk

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This is Hades, my gmax Gengar. He's a very good boy. Very squishable

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For Hades, I'm thinking a nycaloth. Arcanaloths might be a somewhat more obvious choice, but they might be too similar to the glabrezu.

Plus who doesn't love a green-skinned four-armed gargoyle monster?

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From Hercules and Zeus to Hera and Hades, is here to get you up to speed on the Olympian Family Tree!

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I'm really enjoying playing Hades, really engaging game! So of course I use my skills for evil. Based off some things Vinny said during tonight's stream lol

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Hey, I'm FallenHades, I do a mix of digital art and acrylic paintings. I love drawing demon girls and other cute things 💕

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