Holiday cards version! ❄️🥟🍱🍶❄️
I had a lot of fun painting Kitas hair 💕💕

34 100

I redrew that amazing kita shot

9 28

Here’s some sketchy Kita’s since he’s an underrated boy 🥺

1 3

Hoy estuve aburrido y algo trixte, pero hice cuatro leyendas chikitas uwu
Kaya chikita
Asuri chikita
Zariel chiki ❤️
Xull chikito

9 85

kita shinsuke redraw :]

553 3918


48 86

chikitas ff7 con pinterest clothes

5 21

Please let them interact like this it'd be super cute! 🥺💕

71 226

HeY hOw YALL dOinG???? 💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗
JusT fInished a qUiCK KITA dRawInG sO Take yOur lIttLe fArMer boI yOu BeauTiFuL cHilDreN!!!

7 20