Meryl, the mermaid - a special commission. She has been designed to perch on a crescent moon.

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🌴: hicimos conciertos en un lugar grande, y vemos a muchas personas de diversos países, como Tailandia, Corea, Japón, asistir a nuestro concierto. Estamos muy emocionados y agradecidos. esto es muy significativo

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By the way, I have stickers + pins available! Message me if interested, or catch me at Furlandia/AWU/ANW!

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It was tricky, but we did it.

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todos me andan diciendo que si quiero cuadernos, un celular, ir al cine, ir a Fantasilandia(?..y yo NO¡¡

Me pasare todo mi cumple así haber que me dan jaja
(un perrito(? xd entradas para ir a España(? XD, kien zabe :"v)
solo quiero que me adopte ;n;

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Ohhh beautiful life! How do you enjoy life? Any exciting plan for Magic Kings eve today?

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Hi. It’s Finn from Shutlandia aka Washington DC.

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que le van a pedir a Finlandia para navidad? xd

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For close to a decade I've been trying to get to meet the IntegratED PDX community because they were team human before Team Human. Register now for some of the most thoughtful workshops, keynotes and educators in Plus it's in Portlandia!

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Can you tell how I am to see play tommorow at the ?!💖🐲 I painted Mr. Goldblum in his role as the Doily Store proprietor in a Portlandia sketch & a hint of Jurassic Park! 💖

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😻 Kreatworks è un negozio di Steampunk e Recycled Metal Arts con sede a Phatumthanee vicino a Bangkok,in Tailandia. Qui producono sculture da rottami metallici e materiali di scarto. Ogni opera d'arte richiede dai 45-60 giorni per essere completata però ne vale davvero la pena👏

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In our new demo, learn more about the strange feline world of Catlandia (or dress your cat up like a sushi bunny)

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Mañana va a ser un dia muy muy especial, no se si tendre el terminado a tiempo, pero lo intentare, que tengo una idea que creo que va a quedar genial ¿Tienes alguna idea de lo que puede ser?.

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Trick or Treat (1952)

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