🔹Incluye: Campeón, Aspecto, Chroma exclusivo de
🔁Da RT & fav ❤️a este Tweet
☑️ Sígueme
🖊️Comenta tu servidor con
¡Listo ya estás participando! ¡Mucha suerte! 💖

184 222

New Giveaway!

10 of you will unlock:

✔️ Shaco
✔️ Dark Star Skin
✔️ Exclusive Emerald Chroma


- Follow
- Retweet 🔁 this

EUW Only.

The 10 winners will be announced at 6pm GMT Tuesday (9 July).

Good luck!

146 72

Thanks to the Program I can give 5 Dark Star Shaco skins + emerald chroma + champ ( if you dont have)
( Open DM for the code )

| Follow Like and RT to enter |(euw only)

162 192

Dank des Programms kann ich 5 Sternenvernichter-Shaco skins mit exklusivem grünem Chroma verschenken! Solltet ihr Shaco nicht besitzen kriegt ihr sowohl Champ als auch skin. (DM für den Code offen halten/machen) | Einfach RT, liken & followen (EUW only) |

198 244

Doing my first subathon ever 😅

Date: July 9th
Time: whenever I wake up LOL

ALSO, follow and retweet this post for a chance to win shaco codes ^^

Code gives you Shaco, Dark Star Shaco, and the chroma!

I’ll announce the winners on my birthday! 🎉

104 70

Riot Games has given me Dark Star Shaco + Green Chroma to give out to my community! Retweet and follow to enter. Winners are chosen on Saturday July 13th. NA & EU Only.

413 272


I've got a heap of DARK STAR SHACO + CHROMA codes to giveaway!

👉 Follow
👉 Retweet
👉 Tell me what server your on! NA or OCE?

I will be giving away more on stream sometime soon https://t.co/ZKfVbH5gaR

Thanks Riot! 💕

365 363

Dark Star Shaco + Green Chroma + Shaco Jordans Giveaway!

Giving away 5 Dark Star Shaco skin codes + 5 pairs of Shaco Jordans. All you have to do is:

1) Follow
2) Like+RT this tweet
3) Comment server and shoe size

Good Luck All

60 79

Participar es muy facil.

- Follow
- Like + RT
- Responder al tweet con su servidor (Solo LAS - LAN)

Se sortea el 13 de Julio!

201 252

Did you see the race going on? Several of the NA League Partners are competing in a series of daily challenges for TFT. See the full list and today's challenges here: https://t.co/R4uipbmlH2

11 64


Salut les bros, étant donné que je suis je peux vous offrir :

-Skin Shaco Pulsar Sombre
- Chroma unique

Pour cela ❤️ follow
🔁Retweet ce post :)

TAS Le 7 Juillet GL :)

136 86

Here's another giveaway for Dark Star Shaco thanks to

How to enter :
-Comment the region you are in

Winners get :
-Dark Star Shaco Skin
-Dark Star Shaco Green Chroma
-Shaco Champion

Good Luck!! :D

597 510

✨Shaco + Dark Star Skin + Emerald Chroma Giveaways (3 NA, 2 EUW)✨

✨Follow me
✨Comment your server

✨Also going to giveaway one code every stream starting today!✨https://t.co/Hcztsnj7UT

Good luck, Summoners!

604 484

Servidores LAN & LAS

Para participar:
✔️Sígueme en Twitter .
✔️Comenta tu Servidor 🌎

🗓Se sorteará el 13 de Julio.

| |

220 158


Código Shaco Estrella Oscura! (Campeón + Skin + Chroma)

👉 Follow
👉 Retweet
👉 Like + Comentario con tu servidor (LAN/LAS)

Ganadores serán anunciados el 14 de Julio.

Suerte cracks!

394 463

Giving away 1x Dark Star Shaco Bundles for EUW!

- Shaco
- Dark Star Shaco Skin + exclusive Chroma 💚

You just need to:
- Follow
- RT
- Comment with a Meme

Good Luck! 💚

171 146

3 Dark Star Shaco 💫
(Skin + Chroma + Champ)
✅ RT + Follow para participar

También tenéis otro sorteo de un juego a elegir en el siguiente enlace:
𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘢 𝘦𝘭 30/06/2019

373 132

Hey !
Etant je vous fais gagner un chroma exclusif pour Shaco du pulsar sombre (avec le champion et le skin) !
Pour participer :
- 5 gagnants Twitter
💗 Follow
🔄Retweet la publication [TAS 07/07]
- 5 gagnants en Stream sur ma chaine Twitch !
GL ! 😁

167 111

Im Rahmen des Programs verlose ich 5x Dark Star Shaco Skins mit grünem Chroma an euch! EUW only.
Followen, liken & mit "Shaco Mains sind ..." kommentieren um teilzunehmen. Ausgelost wird am 30.6.

95 411

Ça serait pas un petit giveway qui pop là ?! 3 skins de Shaco du pulsar sombre à gagner ! Comme d'hab c'est très simple :

- Follow moi sur twitter

- RT ce tweet

et c'est juste le feu ! TAS Vendredi 28/06

464 173