It's been a long time since I drew one of these.

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I hope you came to DC to not Use power to end

•Listen to security concerns of your constituents
•Stop prioritizing

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The more things change, the more they stay the same. This cartoon was published in the Star Newspaper

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With everything going on, the Government shutdown hit my family really hard (both parents have Gov. jobs and currently without pay) and I don't start my normal job until next month. If anyone is interested, shoot me a DM. Retweets would be super helpful.

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Trump's government shutdown causes some unintended consequences for American and himself.

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It's been a while since I did ANYTHING anthro/furry related. No time like the present to correct that. PS...I was working on this when my laptop shutdown on me....bastard.

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In the US, the longest government shutdown in history continues.

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Walls and shutdowns trying to distract us from liberty and justice

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Actual depiction of Trump’s temper tantrum during his meeting with Democratic leaders today.


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