Preview 160324 - PEK Airport Cr:Dasiy苏苏苏,phantomsping,volerKvoler

48 11

Un po' di ambizione fa bene; spinge a credere nei propri obbiettivi.

3 8

La Bête: The Werewolf King, the wellsping from which all lycanthropy flows.
More incredible art by .

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so karl rove wants sanders in so he can vilify him-thats the argument i am hearing now-grasping at straws-

3 4

I'm not shamed to say that in my horror it 'turns out he was a monster all along' *gasping ensues*

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Ooh time is flying we could do it again in an hour. Gasping for a cuppa

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she cried, gasping for breath.


1 6

hola señor nos puede ayudar haciendo propaganda para que voten por en

3 4

MRW a person uses religion in a grasping attempt to play the martyr on a non-religious subject.

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C'è un momento in cui smetti di spingere quella lanugine bionda e inizi a rincorrere

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