Day 11 ~ Wiehenvenator albati was informally known as 'Das Monster von Minden' (the Minden Monster) before it was described in 2016 as part of Megalosauridae. It is considered the sister taxon to Torvosaurus

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A badass dino character for CP444 She's a Dracorex, a "bone head" dinosaur akin to pachycephalosaurus

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For my DnD game I created an alien race that's based off two of my favorite dinos as a kid : Iguanadons and pachycephalosaurus!

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Por una tontería como esa empecé a leer el webcómic de "Las Lindas" de Chalosan. Me rallaron los puntos en común XDD

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Pachycephalosaurus life cycle for Look at how crazy detailed those heads are!

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Twinkle Toes Tracey, the pachycephalosaurus! Felt like drawing a buff dino muscle mary

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Top Ten: Las demandas de los videojuegos más escandalosas y estúpidas

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Another frisbee-loving dinosaur is the pachycephalosaur Tylocephale.

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For - everyone's favourite pachycelphalosaurid, pachycelphalosaurus!

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Don't mind the variant i posted earlier, this Pachycephalosaurus for were supposed to be solo.

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A "quick" bust of Megalosaurus bucklandi with tons of speculative soft-tissue.

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A new megalosaur colour test based on... a vine star? hope you like it!

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to add behaviors like courting if stretch goals are met!

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La magia fatalosa raddoppia su Rai YoYo!

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