More Art Fight!! I'm doing a lot of drawing and it feels so nice ;v; -

Nao belongs to professionalanime on tumblr
Kitten belongs to

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Anyone else doing ? I'm on Team Tea!
If you wanna draw my gay space owl and my pokemon-loving goat:

Here's some attacks from today!

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Here's my Art Fight, I'm on Team Tea!!! I haven't done a lot since it's hard to look at refs with the site so slow buT here's the two I've finished so far! ;v;

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Looks like still wont let me upload anything... oh well...
Here's Cerberus for . Really liked the colors in this character!

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Heyo, I'm on Team Coffee for If you fight me, I'll fight you back ;D

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art fught doesnt work ? ?? THAT NEVER STOPPED ME HH

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First attack of the year to 👀
( posting this later on the page when it works )

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These two were SUPER fun to make!
For HappyOreo and DaHuskyPup-Draws

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Now that they're all up!

For KuroXerxes, and countlucio !

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Some of my fav attacks so far for - I'm team coffee!
Attacks for Izzyee, oOzie and Coelagirl

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First two attacks for ,, only drawing pink and blue characters apparently...
These two belong to Astroskel and Tonomo on art fight!! >wo) ~*
I don't know that I'll post all my attacks but I really like how these two came out 🤭

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