Sachio x Motorbike

■1本 「一目ぼれ」「あなたしかいない」
■2本 「この世界は二人だけ」
■3本 「愛しています」「告白」
■4本 「死ぬまで気持ちは変わりません」


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Who is your favorite villain in this manhwa? I have to admit that I am quite fond of Min, though I truly hate his actions. He is definitely more interesting than Father Yoon who is just a brutal megalomaniac.

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A horror themed fan-art of Herbert West; The Re-Animator!

Based on the classic HP Lovecraft’s magazine.

Film Adaptation by Empire International Films amd stars

Fan-art by Megaloton8210

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Watch Vinland saga and Megalo box

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The Vistamp are same with four Genome.

Viper + Kamen Rider Thouser
Viper + Kamen Rider Zaia
Megalosaur+ Kamen Rider Zaia by

Megalosaur+ Kinji Ninomiya

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My reconstruction of the French Megalosaurid Dubreuillosaurus; restored here at it's hypothetical adult length of 9m (29-30 ft).

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First Anime: Irdk, I’ve legit always watched anime

Last Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion (rewatch), Megalobox 2: Nomad (new)

Best anime: Samurai Champloo

Worst Anime: There are quite a few I’d consider the worst but for the sake of the post, High School of the Dead 😶

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Progressive phobia can lead to the fact that a person refuses to go out into the street. Having locked himself in the apartment, the patient will be left alone with an all-consuming fear, which will slowly drive him insane.

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Ah ok, thanks for the verification (you'd be surprised how rare that is)

Guess I'll start with an obvious pick and go with Imperious Victorious the Megalosaurus

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Otodus megalodon.

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you know them, you love them, and it's the moment you've been waiting for!

let's learn about the MEGALODON!!! (featuring char)

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Me acabé esta madre y me gustó tanto que hasta va a tener video. Y ahora sí es de verdad, no como Megalobox :v

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Megalomania [English]

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Persée the megalodon !

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La pesadilla XI

Después que los intestinos de Skorr cayeran en el océano durante la era jurasica La hija bastarda (Krángth) naceria en las profundidades alimentándose de calamares y megalodobes. Cada diez mil años sale a la superficie a procrear con las especies terrestres.

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