It's been years and I can still only animate blinking but please enjoy my self indulgence

tw // scopophobia

66 324

Oh just more future au for
Don't u ever tell than to turn off sailor moon. U don't want to know what happens.

6 45

my fav boys having a sweet little moment on the surface
love them too much ;w;

4 19

a fic fanart for "Death In Chains". took some liberty with this because... back... good...

9 58

quick! hug your literal Death Incarnate bf before he has a chance to run away in gay panic

83 441

tw: blood, injury

Death Approaches (maybe not fast enough).

13 33

"Styx" - an alternate purple version.

40 145

"Styx." A loving tribute to
's Hades, which has been such a light.

378 1090

i'm sorry thanzag
i saw the shirts again recently and went hah

586 1441


13 64