Kumatora from Mother 3

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Le leggende Azteche narrano come Quetzalcoatl, il grande serpente piumato, donò agli uomini l'albero di cacao.
Gli uomini impararono a coltivare l'albero, macinarne i semi e ottenere una preziosa bevanda, che i conquistadores portarono in Europa.

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backside of kid Kumatora's shirt

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Got MOTHER 3 on my mind, so have some quick doodles of young Kumatora (Ages: 1, 3, and 5)

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Kumatora from Mother 3! Redraw of fan art from years ago... I’m so happy my girl has a cameo in the new Smash Bros😭

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here's some KUMATORA!!! i would die for her but she would never let me

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I stated the summer with Kumatora and I'm ending it with another drawing of her!
Thank you so much for these 3 months!
And thank you for your support!
Now time to work on the art raffle prizes!

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Drew best girl Kumatora in honour of meeting the best princess in history.

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Paula and Kumatora 🥰
So glad they are in , just in final smashes but I take it!

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Kumatora Used PK BAN!!!
To use it type :BAN:
(Don't worry no one gets banned!)
Join us! We got artists, memes, and most importantly Taco Bell!

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if I don't draw Kumatora i die

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It is finished. Here's a really big drawing of Duster, Lucas, and Kumatora from . I did my best to improve upon my own artstyle with this one. Time to go do something else now...

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like these tweets if you love kumatora too!

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-Cuando te das cuenta que la mayoria de los ataques de Lucas en smash los tiene Kumatora-

Love ya ! ^^

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