Three Sparrows and Spring Blossom, Original one of a kind, bird artwork, pink brown art, large watercolor art, large japanese ink painting

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Chicken farm artwork Hen original farm animal art, zen painting asian style brush art, french country style watercolor art farm animals

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Black Moor, Black and White bathroom aquatic artwork, original one of a kind watercolor paper

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Running Horse, Horse artwork, Originnal painting, horse painting, once of a kind, ink painting, sketch, horse sketch, horse wall art,

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RAVEN, Original watercolor painting, Raven painting, original one of a kind watercolor artwork, Asian Ink Painting, Japanese INK

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Japanese Crane, artwork, painting, two cranes, original watercolor minimalist painting, black white red

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chickadee artwoprk, bird art watercolor painting 7 x 5 in small painting christmas gift art one of a kind art watercolor brid painitng

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Flamingo Artwork, original, one of a kind watercolor artwork, pink flamingo, sale

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Belted Kingfisher, original watercolor painting, kingfisher art, bird, birds bird lover, bird watching bird art, gray brown

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Titmouse, original watercolor painting, nursery art, kids wall art, bird illustration original, children room, bird lover gift, birding

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Hummingbird and Magnolia Flowers, Birds and flowers artwork Green Sap Green Soft pink floral bird wall art

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Many thanks to the buyer from Winterville, NC, who purchased a 24" x 24" print of "Native American Chief Side Face".

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Baby Hummingbird and Red Flowers 12 X 9 in, original watercolor art

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Black Moor Painting, aquarium art, fish art, fish painting black fish, aquarium lover, 16 X 12 in

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Floral Artwork Soft Pink Garden Roses, Original watercolor painting, 14 X 11 in, pink roses wall art

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Palm Trees, Original large painting, Large watercolo art , palm trees, large wall art, palms olive green art

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watercolor art Chickadee one of a kind watercolor painting, bird art, nursery art children room chickadee illustration wall art songbird

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Hummingbird Artwork Hummingbird and flowers, original, flying hummingbird painting floral tropical colors, Red Olive green Gray art

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Kingfisher Bird Artwork Belted Kingfisher, original painting watercolor, in bird artwork bird art, gray emerland green painting

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Hummingbird Artwork Hummingbird and flowers, original, flying hummingbird painting floral tropical colors, Blue floral bird art

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