Paging Dr. Maya
She's smart, she's talented, she's dangerously overworked. Meet Dr. Maya, a character inspired by our dear friend who is a smart, talented, overworked Doctor herself.

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Maya Spears.
Today turns 27 but what's really neat is was realeased 20 years ago! Yup... 1998. Time flies.

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Holy smokes it's National Square Dancing day already. Man how time flies. I hope your November 29th was as good as last years. Yehaaw.

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It's Maya Nye, the Science... Girl. Is it just me or does seem angrier than he used to be. Anyways... happy birthday Bill Nye.

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It's Cyber Monday! If I had something to sell, boy, I tell ya, I'd be posting all about it.

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Check out Mayangelo in this new art style I'm trying out. Way more work for a slightly better result. I'll post time lapse videos on Facebook and Instagram. Cowabunga!


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On November 24, 1859, Charles Darwin published "On the Origin of Species". This day is now recognized as "Evolution Day"... which explains why atheist children open Santa's presents a month earlier.

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It's Miley Cyrus' birthday today so have a great Friday and wrecking ball of a weekend.

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Here's Maya as Black Widow calming down the Hulk and holy crap, did you know today is both Scarlett Johansson's birthday (34) AND 's birthday (51)!?

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In Rocky 4 (1985), Drago killed Creed so Rocky fought Drago. And now in Creed 2 (today), Rocky trains Creeds son to fight Drago's son. Only this time won't be fighting in Wakanda.

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Wreck-it Maya in all her glory. Her buddy Ralph has a new movie coming out tomorrow. I think she'll like the Princess scene.

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I want Captain Marvel to be the first Marvel Movie Maya see's. Unfortunately she's seen like, 8 Marvel movies with me already. But this will still be good.

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50% of Maya, is 100% Moroccan. Which is cool cause yesterday was Morocco Independence Day. King Mohammed V made it official on November 18, 1956, declaring Morocco an independent state from France.

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If Maya decides to be a director when she grows up I hope she’s as good as my main man, Martin Scorsese. Happy birthday Martin Scorsese!⠀

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Throwback Thursday to Nov. 15, 1969 when the largest antiwar protest in United States history occurred in Washington DC. Don't believe me? Watch Forrest Gump.

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I've never read the Harry Potter books. Perhaps my daughter will give a hoot.

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