Happy Birthday to Muu,
Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to Muu of the Cheery Chums!

Happy Birthday to Muu!

35 71

Happy Friday to all my chums

6 13

Happy Birthday Chum!

Hope you have a ton of fun celebrating today with the rest of the Cheery Chums!

51 69

Worried octopus and chums, in vibrant technicolour, or "Down where it's wetter" for those that are, or have, kids!

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Happy Monday to all my chums

10 26

These are all my chums as well my Black Peacock Pirates

2 6

Happy Birthday to Muu of the crew! :)

24 28

‎Happy Birthday Chum! How do you think the rest of the Cheery Chums are going to help her celebrate?

30 26