Instead of getting down I’m going to make a thread of stuff I’m excited for! I know it’s early but hey
So first off Bastion and the Kyrian! My pally brain knows I’m going to sign up for these guys first

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Bastion tem como Covenant os Kyrian.

Ordenados e com propósito, tem um objetivo.
Um exemplo: Uther

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Sega characters that, I think, have a good shot at being in Smash:
• Arle Nadja (PuyoPuyo/Madou Monogatari series)
• Selvaria Bles (Valkyria Chronicles series)
• Kiryu Kazuma (Yakuza series)

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Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria Vol.19 – Nov 1, 2019

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New party, new baby, new heart attacks

Poor Kyrians excited in this new world for a week and hes already been knocked down 5 times
I guess thats what to expect when your the weakest of a all caster party

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Monster-ified Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles for September's Poll

Extra variations located on my Patreon!
Want to decide on future waifus like this? It's just $1 to submit a waifu & vote in the polls every month!

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- 'Freeze' - Valkyria 4 needs more love

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sure - as this is going round in the 2 weeks of the year when I'm actually active on twitter, why not ;D

(and the first Valkyria Chronicles very narrowly misses out)

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So many amazing artists in videogames at the moment. Today I'm featuring Lucy "Loukia" Kyriakidou. Her art is AMAZING as is her strength. If you don't follow her already DO!

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J'aime tellement Valkyria Chronicles, une excellente licence et le 4e que je viens de finir est vraiment top !

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Hi, im kyria i like drawing star wars :D

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Streaming Valkyria 4 Chronicles because it's a game i can play one handed

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パラ銀29、サークルGloBeAeにて、ヒルダ受けアンソロ(R15)「valkyrian Maiden」(ワルキュリアンメイデン)を頒布します。なんと100ページを超える分厚いアンソロです!表紙絵は牡丹さん、裏表紙絵はたてばなさんの担当です。RT等でお知らせにご協力いただけたら嬉しいです!

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